About US

Ryan Kirkby

Project Manager, Builder

Ryan has worked on the construction of numerous natural buildings spanning a range of materials and techniques, particularly the integration of unique timberframe structures with various natural wall systems. His interest in building is the creation of unique, healthy spaces underpinned by a joyful building process and the integration of temple/church/sacred space into the everyday built environment. Alongside Jirka & John, Ryan has worked on the design, coordination, timberframing, and other aspects of this project. 

John Hutton

Project Architect

John Hutton, founder of Next Genesis Design. John Hutton is an architectural designer specializing in the design and construction of wall systems with natural materials. Along side Jirka and Ryan he developed the construction documents for the nonagon project we will be working on. For over a decade John has been involved in the design and construction of a myriad of natural buildings and has expertise with various wall systems including: cob, straw bale, light straw clay, and hempcrete. 

Jiri (Jirka) Vrsek

Timberframe designer, Builder

Jirka is the founder of Deep Springs Timberworks and has a long history of diverse timberframing experience. For this project, he has developed a totally unique double-recriprocal timberframe that is an evolution of other recriprocal frames he has worked on.